I had some stowaways with me from London, rather persistent little fellows that made me bedridden for a couple of days sneezing and snivelling. Looking at some of the piccies I took in da UK, immediately made me feel so much better. We have an absolutely gorgeous day here in Stockholm, around zero degrees and SUNSHINE!
Check this out, how about afternoon tea in the restaurant of the Victoria & Albert museum, not bad huh!
And a truly lovely exhibition on Queen Victoria in Kensington Palace.
Right royal luggage.
Isn't this just the prettiest most romantic dress! it's Queen Victoria's wedding dress. She was a fantastic beauty when young, petite and absolutely adorable.
On this rather happy note, I would also like to thank the one and lovely Lindy Gillespie for giving me the Liebster Award! You are such a darling - THANK YOU!!
The Liebster Award was designed to be a blog award in the pay-it-forward fashion. It is awarded to blogs that have fewer than 200 followers to encourage new visitors to them. Once you have been nominated, you award to five other blogs.
The rules are: post the award on your blog, give the award to 5 bloggers who you appreciate that have fewer than 200 followers, then leave a comment on their blogs to let them know you have given them this award.
So I have passed this award onto:
Amazing ladies all of them!! xoxoxo
Before I share my Prima FEBRUARY PPP, I have a little sneaky of an upcoming Easter Bloghop. You might have seen the below logo in my sidebar. It is the fabulous, über cool Finnish scrapper Riikka Kovasin who will be hosting an Easter Blohop starting on 1 April at noon GMT/13.00 hours CET and I am one of the stops to visit!
More details in my next blogpost.
My Prima FEBRUARY PPP is an extremely dimensional 8 x 8 canvas which I made instead of a birthday card to a girlfriend of mine. It now hangs on the wall in her bedroom.
It's really difficult to make justice to the details, textures and different colours in these photographs. Somehow everything looks just like a pile of nondescript pink objects, which it's not IRL.
I covered the sides of the canvas in cream lace and then misted them heavily in soft pinks.
Believe it or not, but beneath all the butterflies, there is masking/modelling pasting and quite a bit of stamping too. It's peeking out here and there under the layers. White seed pearls and strips of the cream coloured lace too.
Thank you so much for popping in, I so appreciate your visit!
Wishing you a beautiful weekend, take care!
Toodeloo! xoxox Eila