With the brrrr outside, I am painting up some sunshine in here instead. My second page to be released (have a few coming up in the next few months) as DT over at MEG'S GARDEN is created with one of the papers in the new absolutely gorgeous new collection called FORGET ME NOT.
The new papers are a paper-and-scissor-girl's dream, so many gorgeous details one can cut out! I really love the stripey old-fashioned paper combined with the sweet forget-me-nots.
Here are some of the papers:
Blue Forget Me Nots
Blue Butterflies
Shades of Blue
Forget Me Nots Toile
Butterflies and Blue Forget Me Nots - strips
and the paper that I have used in my page - Birds in Forget Me Nots.
Here is the page itself - New Spring Shoes.

The photo is not one of my own, I found it in our county photo archives. However, it could very well have been me standing there on a visit to town in the 1960's, although this photo was taken in the 1950's.

A yellow flower from Manor House Creations.

Each spring mummy and I travelled into town to buy us both new spring shoes. For as long as I can remember, they were always brown and very sensible with shoe laces. My dad used to polish the shoes of our family on Sunday mornings before going to church. For him it was important that they didn't look scuffed. I don't think I have to say that the first pair of shoes that I bought with my own money were RED!
The grey tendrils around the photo were cut from the FORGET ME NOTS TOILE paper.

See those yummie feathers in there? they come all the way from South Africa and are a gift from my sweet friend Helen Tilbury - thanks a bunch for the pressie darling!
The alpha stickers are Prima, as is the lime green cut-off flower branch. I have fussy-cut the bird's nest and mounted it on foam squares on top of the same image on the paper. All fussy-cut details on the page have undergone the "plumping-up" treatment that über talented Gerry van Gent so generously shares on her blog and in her tut over at Miss Art's. Thank you for sharing Gerry!

Another MCH bloom and snippets left over from some cut-out strips from the Butterflies and Blue Forget Me Nots - strips paper.
The script stamp in Swedish is from a local store.

Quite some dimension in there if you look at it from the side. Just loooove all the butterflies!
See that itty bitty black bird sitting in the top right corner of the photo? it's from a scrap of a Prima paper that was on my desk.

Yesterday also saw the release of palette # 104 over at TCR. A very challenging palette for this shabby girl but that's what challenges are all about, serious butt kicking out of the comfy box. Might I add that I still have a gargantuan bruise on my touche ...
First the palette especially made for the Swedish scrappy magz called INZPIRA. Unfortunately the original photo and sketch that Lydell made for Inzpira got lost due to a computer glitch, so there are no HEX codes this week and the photo is photographed from the magazine itself.
The colours are Pale Blue, Sunflower Yellow, Plum Burgandy and White.
Here's what I came up with after serious procrastination:

The backing paper is from Teresa Collins collection called Everyday Moments. Once again the photo is not mine (gosh where DO people get all their photos from if they don't have kids of their own and live in a dark corner of the map with nothing to photograph?!). Once again, I found it on internet.
I really want to point out that I never ever use photos taken of people that can be recognized, especially not of children unless I have been given permission to do so. That would be a serious and unforgivable breach of personal integrity and against my morale beliefs. I try to use photos of objects or from nature whenever possible, but if the photos are as old as 50 years and posted in public archives for anyone to use, I consider it OK for me to use them too.

I had lots of scraps sitting on my desk from making my page for the UOAS 15MAR2012 challenge, all so very pretty that I couldn't just throw them away. The backing paper has a grid/schedule with week days, so I though I would fill all the squares with the scraps I had and then cover the whole thing up with something I don't know what.
There has been quite a lot of issues with copying and scrap lifting other scrappers' work in blog land as of late, so I especially want to say that I know that Geraldine Pasinati has made it an art form to cut up her whole backing paper in squares, but my page has not been made with scrap lifting in mind nor have I been inspired by anything or anybody else but the pieces of left over scrap on my desk and the grid of this TC paper.

I fussy cut 4 of the yellow flowers from one of the papers and layered them, finishing with a brown Petaloo bloom that had a burgandyish pearl centre. I also fussy-cut some berry branches from a very old K&Co paper and added a couple of really dark red/burgandyish mini roses. These 3 details are the only ones in burgandy on my page.

The wooden button spools are from PinkPaislee London Market. The music sheet overlay is from KaiserCraft.
I cut two circles, one of brown corrugated cardboard and another one of yellow paislee paper from Teresa Collins' collection Fabrications. Then matted the photo in rough linen fabric, the edges of which I frayed before winding some paper twine around it and adhering a trinket to it.
Before I put the layered photo in place, I first masked/misted a floral pattern in TA Suede over the pieced grid and then when that had dried, I very roughly painted a cirle in Gesso to make a crude frame around my photo "package".

Totally LOVE these alphas from Prima, they come in so many colours and are just perfect in size!

Saturday has dawned upon us in Stockholm, Alice is stealing scrappy stuff from my desk and Elsa is tearing down the kitchen. Think it's gentle reminder of that the lions need feeding! and so do I.
Thank you dear sweet ladies for bearing with me through this long post. I wish you all a wonderful weekend with your near and dear wherever you are. Take care!
Toodelipip! xoxoxo Eila