I have been more or less absent from blogland these passed few days. Spent them in the animal hospital with our fur baby Max. He has a kidney condition and we know that eventually the moment will come when we will have to let him join our other fur babies in Rainbow Land.
I won't get into the details but he had IV liquid transfusions for 8 hours per day for several days. The number of tests that were taken are many. He was such a good good boy all the time despite all the pulling, pricking and tugging at him, didn't say a word when he was x-rayed and I had to keep him still with a rigid grip on all his legs.
I was worried sick for him and actually sat by him all these hours. I bless my boss for her understanding and the hospital for letting us occupy an entire cubicle to ourselves instead of Max being put into a cage all on his own. I know we were both a lot calmer for having each other nearby. Our Max is now on the road to recovery. His kidneys were not the problem, he has an infection that can be treated. YAY!
So a little late, here's the TCR # 117 palette designed in cooperation with the Swedish scrappy magazine Inzpira. Bold, juicy and vibrant summer colours!
Well, I wouldn't be me if I didn't add something to the page that isn't all about pop crackle and fizz even if I truly adore vibrant layouts that others create. Here is my take that I have called "Wakey Wakey", not difficult to guess what inspired me to the title :))
The backing paper is MME of course and I have used subtle techniques to get the extra shabby effect. Washed it with a small wet sponge and diluted cream acrylic paint for starters, dabbed on diluted gesso, misted in Wheatfileds and Concrete and Slate.
This Prima bloom is the melon part, so difficult to have it photograph properly. Cut-out blooms from a Crate paper and branches from a Prima paper. Stickles Cinnamon on the chicken wire chippie.
The little girl peeking over the fence is fussy-cut from Swedish Pion Design's newest collection called Grandma's Schoolbook.
The frame was a plain white cardboard passe partout frame from a hobby shop. I primed it in gesso and then modelling paste before using mask/modelling paste for the cherry blossoms/branches. Then I misted everything in Wheatfields (one of my top 5 fave mists) and smearing out glass beads texture gel. Finally I wiped over the blossoms with a finger dipped in gold acrylic paint.
Mr Rooster is a mighty handsome creature, just look at his plumage! the other photos I looked at, had a parade of chicks and hens. Totally adorable! So this one is not one of my own, I found it on a Swedish gardening site.
More fussy cutting from the same Crate and Prima papers as above.
And now to my June DT page for Meg's Garden that is called "Laughter", although I completely forgot to stick down the title on the page, sloppy me!
This is once again my scrappy friend R and her darling husband E on their wedding day back in March 2012. Beach, Florida, sand, sun, family and friends, in love, the bride was barefoot and had blingbling around her toes, a lot of reasons for a really really happy LAUGHTER in other words.
I will just upload the pages without comment, adding some background text before I do to give you an idea of what I've done on this page.
I wanted to show how the romantic papers can be used in a rather modern but shabby way by adding mixed media techniques to them. It is very easy to get stuck in just fussy-cutting them, which I think would be a pity as there are quite a few scrappers out there who don't do fussy cutting but who could be inspired to use the papers anyway by adding other elements to them.
I started by misting in different shades of blue, teal and sand, and then used modelling paste/mask on it.
Two layers of frayed and misted calico were scrunched and placed under the double layer of photos before strips of chunky lace were tucked in. A couple of tears on the sides and left over pieces of patterned paper placed in the tears.
A bed was made of muslin, lace, strands of hessian and skeleton leaves before placing an abundance of flowers on top. A string of pearls and a butterfly trinket. The smaller cluster up to the left was created in the same way, with some fussy-cut forget-me-nots added at the base.
As a finishing touch, gesso, modelling paste and gold acrylic paint were randomly smeared out with my finger.
Things will have slowed down considerably next week as the majority of Swedes have begun their summer holidays. I have another week to go before mine starts, but I will telework from home. Yeeehaw! saves me 2 hours of daily commuting not having to go to the office.
So I'm having high hopes of being able to finally repay ye faithful friends who have come for so many appreciated visits and left beautiful beautiful comments for me. Till then, have a really wonderful weekend!
Toodeloo! xoxox Eila